Saturday 14 December 2013

Happy Christmas parties

I am a sucker for Christmas. I love candy cane Lattes and Gingerbread lattes. I love Christmas carols and wrapping gifts while watching Home Alone or Miracle on 34th Street. In the midst of this great joy, I always feel a bit stressed about Christmas Parties- especially the work ones. I never know what to wear, how much I should drink or what table I should strategically sit (because we all know that your seating selection will determine the outcome of the night).
Last night I went to my work Christmas party...
I was nervous because work dynamics aren't always positive and easy. I learnt two things last night.
First- When people get dressed up, leave their husbands and kids at home, and have a few drinks, they are always in a better mood. All of a sudden, people pretend to love each other and I have no problems with that. I have no issues with people pretending to like each other because in the midst of pretending they might actually discover things they have in common!
Secondly- As long as there is a guitar, the party will be great! I love singalongs, I am always so happy to sing, or pretend to know the lyrics to songs! I love the feeling of unity when people sing. I wish I had any musical talent- I am tone-deft, can't remember lyrics for the life of me and I am horrible at remembering song titles. Basically, I am useless when it comes to singalongs but, god, do I love them!

I had a great time last night- I had great conversations with people I respect in my work environment. I got positive feedback and great exchanges. I simple wished we could find these same positive dynamics when we are at work! Maybe I could cultivate this positive energy at work in the new year?!?


Wednesday 11 December 2013

happy 20s

Being happy isn't simply something that can be achieved when you have a great stable job, you found your soul mate or when you have children. In my early twenties, after finishing university and having time to reflect and question my life, I started reading about happiness. I wasn't an unhappy person, but I had had my moments: divorced parents, bad boyfriends, illnesses in my family etc. After having my diplomat in my hands, I was ready to find my own happiness. I wanted to create my own happiness. However, the big problem was...all books on the topic always talked about people in their 30s-40s even 50s and how they interpreted and found ways to be happy. 

In my life, I cannot say I feel forgotten because I give myself fully to my children. I DON'T HAVE KIDS. I can't say: I've forgotten to have fun and by happy, because I've been consumed by the job for the past 25 years. 

So, here it is. A blog!  A happiness blog for your twenties.